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Sign Up & KYC Verification

How to sign up on OMPFinex?

ثبت نام در او ام پی فینکس با ارائه یک ایمیل کاربری امکان‌پذیر بوده و احراز هویت نیز طی سه مرحله در قالب ارائه اطلاعات شناسایی، ارائه شماره کارت بانکی و بارگذاری تصویر سلفی یا ضبط ویدئو سلفی در حساب کاربری صورت می‌گیرد.
لازم به ذکر است مراحل احراز هویت در هنگام تکمیل آن به صورت شفاف و مشخص توضیح داده شده و تایید آن توسط کارشناسان او ام پی فینکس در کمتر از 5 دقیقه انجام می‌شود.
در صورت وجود هرگونه سوال در مراحل ثبت نام و احراز هویت نیز می‌توانید به صورت بیست و چهار ساعته از طریق چت آنلاین وب سایت و اپلیکیشن و شماره تماس 02152694000 با پشتیبانی او ام پی فینکس در ارتباط باشید.

Why don’t I receive confirmation code on my phone?

To receive SMS confirmation code, your phone network must be available and advertising messages not blocked. To unblock advertising messages, network operators have their specific method
/n. If you’re using HamrahAval services, you need to send 2 to 8999. Then, you’ll receive a message from the operator citing that your advertising messages will be reactivated until the next 24 hours
n/. If you use Irancell on your phone, send 1 to 5005. You’ll receive a message from the operator to activate this service n/.

Why don’t I receive email confirmation code?

First, check your email address for misspellings and try again. If the problem persists, refresh your email Inbox folder and if needed, check other folders such as spam, junk, primary and all.

Why do I get invalid email error?

Please make sure your email address does not contain misspellings.

Is it possible to complete KYC verification with someone else’s phone number?

Due to automatic confirmation procedure for matching phone number with ID number, the submitted mobile number must have been registered with your name.

Why do I get “Email already exists” error when I try to register on OMPFinex?

If you have already registered on OMPFinex, you need to choose /”Log In/” option to reach your account and complete KYC verification.

Why my password in not accepted when try to I sign up?

To enhance security of your account, your password must contain at least 8 characters including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters such as @,#,$,%.

آیا برای ثبت نام و احراز هویت در پلتفرم ارز دیجیتال او ام پی فینکس هدیه‌ای برای کاربران در نظر گرفته می‌شود؟

بله، در بازه های زمانی گوناگون هدایایی ویژه ای برای ثبت نام و احراز هویت کاربران در نظر گرفته می شود. شما می‌توانید برای اطلاع از جشنواره‌ها و جایزه پلتفرم ارز دیجیتال او ام پی فینکس با پشتیبانی ۲۴ ساعته مجموعه در ارتباط باشید.

Why didn’t I receive the sign up gift?

It’s may be due to incomplete KYC verification or you’ve signed up out of the bonus timeline. For more information, please contact support.

Can I withdraw OMPFinex sign up gift?

بله. با توجه به معادل تومانی هدیه دریافتی می‌توانید با استفاده از قابلیت‌های «تبدیل سریع» یا «تبدیل دارایی اندک» آن را به تومان تبدیل کرده و برداشت کنید.

How can I change my account phone number?

To begin, you need to specify the reason for changing your phone number, so the support team manage the process n/. To change your account phone number, you must record a video according to the terms below and send it to our Telegram support n/n/
: I (Full Name) with the ID number (ID Number) would like to change my OMPFinex account phone number due to (specify the reason) n/
. Write the above text on a paper along with the current date and your signature n/
. Then, hold the paper and your ID card and read it aloud while recording the video. When you have finished recording, Send it to our Telegram support with the below ID. Our team will process your request shortly @ompfinex_support n/

How to change my account email?

In case that you haven’t submitted your account phone number, you can sign up again with a new email address and complete KYC verification. But, if you have registered both your email and phone number in your account, you must provide a video of yourself to our Telegram support according to the terms below n/n/
: I (Full Name) with the ID number (ID Number) would like to change my OMPFinex account email address due to (specify the reason) n/
. Write the above text on a paper along with the current date and your signature n/
. Then, hold the paper with your ID card and read it aloud while recording the video. When you have finished recording, Send it to our Telegram support with the below ID. Our team will process your request shortly @ompfinex_support n/

Why do I get “An Error Occurred” when I try to sign up?

While registering on OMPFinex, you must have disable any VPN on your phone or computer and try to register again. If the error persists, delete your browser cache or switch to another browser. If you still encounter with the same error, contact our support team through online chat.

Why do I get /”Wrong CAPTCHA/” error?

دسترسی سیستم یا تلفن همراه خود به فیلترشکن را متوقف کرده و دوباره سعی کنید. اگر همچنان با این خطا مواجه شدید می‌توانید مرورگر خود را عوض کنید. در صورت مشاهده دوباره اخطار، مشکل خود را از طریق چت آنلاین وب سایت و اپلیکیشن، آیدی تلگرام ompfinex_support و یا شماره تلفن 05131790 - 02152694000 با واحد پشتیبانی او ام پی فینکس در میان بگذارید.

What documents do I need for KYC verification?

To complete you KYC verification on OMPFinex, you can use documents such as your ID card, driver’s license, military service certificate, valid passport and old but legit ID documents.

Why do I get “Incorrect Format” error when I enter my ID number?

Set your input language to English while entering your ID number.

How do I remove my account and create a new one with new KYC verification?

هر کاربر تنها یکبار می‌تواند با کد ملی خود در پلتفرم ارز دیجیتال اوام‌پی‌فینکس ثبت نام و احراز هویت کند.

Why do I have to go through KYC verification and why does OMPFinex need my personal information?

In order to enhance security of transactions, avoid identity fraud, misuse of identification and banking data and prevent money laundering, OMFinex has made KYC verification mandatory.

How long does it take to verify KYC?

If no issues are found during KYC verification, the validity of your submitted documents instantly gets confirmed by OMPFinex staff.

What does KYC failure (NOT verified) mean?

Generally, this problem refers to incomplete submitted data and your KYC needs correction n/
. The issue might be due to insufficient or wrong data and/or fuzzy document photos. You can navigate to /”User Profile/” and rectify the issues n/
. On the website n/
: Log into your account and select /”User Profile/” from user icon located on top right of Dashboard page n/n/
. In the application n/
: Log into your account and select /”User Profile/” from user icon located on top left of Dashboard page n/.

Is it possible for non-Iranians to register on OMPFinex?

It depends on the applicant status, but yes. For more information, please contact OMPFinex support team.

Is there any age limit to register and KYC verification on OMPFinex?

To comply with Iran regulations, OMPFinex does NOT provide services to users under the age of 18.

Forgot your email/password?

در قسمت ورود گزینه " رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟ " را بزنید. یک لینک به ایمیل شما و همچنین یک پیام به شماره موبایل شما ارسال می‌گردد.
همچنین میتوانید با استفاده از لینک زیر رمز عبور حساب خود را بازیابی نمایید.

Is it possible to delete user account?

با توجه به بند 19 شرایط و قوانین موجود در سایت او ام پی فینکس، امکان حذف حساب کاربری وجود ندارد. ولیکن میتوانید برای غیر فعال‌سازی حساب کاربری خود درخواست دهید و یا با دستور مراجع قضایی و ذی صلاح این امکان وجود داشته باشد.

Is it possible to reactivate an account?

To activate your account again, you need to send a video to our Telegram support according to the terms below n/
: I (Full Name) with ID number (ID Number) would like to reactivate my user account on OMPFinex website. Write the above text on paper along with the current date and your signature n/
. Next, hold the paper with your ID card in hand and record yourself while reading the text. When you’ve finished recording, send the video to our Telegram support with the ID below. Our staff will address your request shortly @ompfinex_support n/